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    Welcome to the Electronics & Communication Engineering Department. We cannot envision a world without electronic devices and communication networks, which are now an integral and unavoidable part of our everyday life.
   The department's main goal is to prepare its students for real-world issues by providing them with a solid academic foundation in the cutting-edge fields of Electronics & Communication Engineering. The Department features a diverse group of permanent faculty members with 40% PhD holders from reputable institutions and who are both youthful and highly experienced. The faculty members exhibit a high degree of commitment and zeal for both teaching and cutting-edge research.
   The Department is accreditated by NBA consecutively 5 times.

About the Department

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) was established in the year 2000 with student strength of 40 and the student strength increased to 120 in the year 2003 onwards. The UG programme was accredited 5-times by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), 3-times (2007, 2012 & 2016) under Tier –II and 2-times (2019 & 2022) under Tier –I. The department has started Post Graduation Programme M.Tech., in Microwave and Communication specialization in the year 2010. The department is recognized as research center by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Kakinada for the past decade.

The department is keen to have industrial collaboration in terms of infrastructure development, human resource, knowledge transfer, skill training, internships and projects. To improve placements and internships to students the department has entered into Memorandum of understanding (MoU’s ) with Government and Private industries. The department has received substantial funds under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme to conduct research activities and established industry supported laboratory. Students are deputed to industry for internships and project works to work on real time systems.

The department has 27 experienced faculty members with various areas of specializations in ECE and 14 faculty members completed their Ph.D, 8 faculty members are pursuing their Doctoral degrees. Faculty members conduct research in various disciplines of ECE and are publishing the research outcomes in reputed and indexed (Scopus & SCI) journals and conferences regularly. Innovations by faculty members are filed for patenting and are granted periodically. Faculty members are deputed for industrial training in advanced areas and are conducting training to students and faculty of other colleges. Faculty members of the department are recognized as research guides by the JNTUK and are guiding Ph.D’s.

Curriculum is designed in tune with the National Education Policy (NEP) incorporating the key features and goals to meet the vision of the department. To prepare and monitor academic activities in the department various committees such as Board of Studies (BoS), Program Assessment Committee (PAC) and Department Advisory Board (DAB) are formed with faculty, students and external experts from industry and academics as members.

Curriculum of the department is prepared to meet the societal needs and goals of NEP including the choice based credit system with multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, Community Service and skill courses. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) delivery is implemented in the department to achieve specific learning outcomes and train graduates with skills to be industry ready. The Academic Bank of Credits (ABC), a Digital repository of credits for students to transfer and accumulate credits across institutions with 12 digits Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR) ID is generated to every student.

To cater to the needs of the curriculum and research state-of-the-art laboratories are established with latest hardware and software tools. Equipment and software are updated regularly to meet latest technological trends. A modern computer center with 75 computing stations is established to catering to project works, training and research needs of students and faculty members. All class rooms are equipped with LED projectors and connected with internet facility. A research center and incubation center in the department are developed with equipment and computational tools for research and innovation projects by faculty and students.

The department works closely with Professional bodies and has established student chapters with the Institution of Engineers India (IEI), Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) & Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). Activities such as Seminars and Conferences for faculty and events such as Quizzes, Paper presentations, Poster Presentations, Idea presentations for students are conducted with sponsorship from IE and IETE. Skill development programs in association with Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) are conducted to students regularly. Also training on soft skills, programming languages are conducted to enhance placement opportunities to students in core and Information Technology (IT) sectors and more than 80% of eligible students got placed in various reputed multinational companies. Students are encouraged to do certification courses offered by NPTEL, Microsoft, Infosys, ISWDP of IISc. and Smart Tutorials. Students graduated from the department are well settled as employees in prominent core and IT sectors globally.

Department ValueAdds

Experienced Faculty

The faculty team consists of exceptional educators and researchers from both the academic and software industries, all of whom contribute to the students' entire professional and personal development.

Placement Training

Our training programmes are meant to instill leadership, teamwork, and a global perspective. The training courses are rigorously monitored, and revised to include the most cutting-edge technical ideas and practises into the activities.

Innovation First

Expose the students to seek a new and better ways of doing things, often through experimentation. Innovative thinking can be applied to any industry or organization to be able to generate new ideas and solutions.

Professional Societies

Society memberships in IETE, ISTE & IEI helps students to interact with the outside world, and helps them to excel in academic, professional, and personality development activities.


Faculty mentors helps students to build confidence and relationships, to develop resilience and character, or raise aspirations, rather than to develop specific academic skills or knowledge.

Higher Education

Self-learning and supportive atmosphere helps students in preparing for the transition to study and gain the academic information & study skills required to succeed.

Ambient Classrooms

The classrooms are bright, and pleasant, which improves the learning atmosphere. Our classes are equipped with modern teaching aids.

Sports Activities

Students have the opportunity to develop their physical and mental skills in order to attain their personal goals.

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P.V.P.Siddhartha Institute Of Technology
Kanuru,Vijayawada-520 007
Andhra Pradesh,India
Tel : 0866-2581699, 0866-2583037