2024-25 || Total Offers : 815

B.Tech: CSE-245 , ECE-117, EEE-96, IT-142, MEC-116, CIVIL- 22 and MBA-77

About us

     The Training and Placement Cell of PVP Siddhartha is established with the sole aim of finding suitable employment opportunity to all the eligible students. It caters to all the training requirements of students through highly experienced Faculty.

     The unique program of skill enhancement identifies and nurtures the talent in job aspirants and ignites the young minds to capably and confidently face the recruitment drives.

     Need based curriculum that is specially designed fine tunes the student to the corporate requirements.

     The placement cell has state of the art infrastructure and rich ambiance to facilitate the training process. The students of PVP are provided excellent training that enhances their potential and improves their confidence levels.

     The facilities include a well furnished Auditorium, GD rooms, closed interview panels and conference halls.

Campus Selections (Yearwise)

Academic Year No. of Selections
2024-25 562
2023-24 1026
2022-23 956
2021-22 1118
2020-21 954
2019-20 606
2018-19 606
*   Placement season is in progress

Placement Staff

S.No. Name of the Staff Designation Qualifications Mobile No.
1 Mr. G. Ramesh Babu. Head- Training & Placements MBA 9246620777
2 Mr. K. Naresh Kumar Asst. Training & Placement Officer MBA 7893656735
3 Ms. L. Sudheera Soft Skills Trainer MBA 9640958999
4 Mr. K. Sai Devan Soft Skills Trainer MBA 7013506746
5 Ms. S. Kusuma Kumari Jr. Programmer M.Sc ----


Mock Interviews

A mock interview, also known as a practice interview, is a simulation of an actual job interview.

Group Discussions

A group activity,used as one of the tools to select the prospective candidates in a comparative perspective.

Public speaking

Public speaking is the process of communicating information to an audience. It is usually done before a large audience

Personality Development

Personality Development means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to your life.

Career guidance

Career guidance consists of the services that help people successfully manage their career development.

Aptitude and Reasoning sessions

Aptitude and reasoning tests are designed to assess your logical reasoning or thinking performance.

Campus Recruitment drives

Campus placement is the program conducted within educational institutes or in a common place to provide jobs to students

Motivational lectures

A motivational speaker is a speaker who makes speeches intended to motivate or inspire an audience.

Corporate grooming

Corporate grooming leads to skilled behavior