Call for Papers in 2nd International Conference on Emerging Advances and Applications in Green Energy (ICEAAGE-2025) | 25th February 2025 | ONLINE MODE | No Registration Fees. Click Here for Brochure.

Dr.D.Ragaleela (Principal Investigator) and Dr.Ch.Padmanabha Raju received a grant of Rs.91,000/-from Unnat Bharath Abhiyan under SEG on Rural Energy System for the project titled “Development of an automated coconut breaking Machine” on 18th January 2024

Dr.D.Ragaleela idea Proposal was approved by MSME Idea Hackathon 3.0 (women) for the project titled “Tender coconut punching machine” on 29th February 2024 with Idea Reference No. IDEAAP012095 in the Sector: Miscellaneous for a funding of Rs.15,00,000/-

*** Placements for the Academic Year 2022-23: 148 - Accenture - 26, CTS - 31 , Hexaware - 11, Torry Harris - 3,Surya Tech Solutions - 22, ES Technology - 18, Destination Technologies - 6, Centro Therm - 3 , HCL Technologies - 2, Sonata Software - 2, Q Spiders - 2, JSW - 1, TEACHNOOK - 1, GrowcontrolS - 1, Freyr Energy - 1, Deloitte - 1 *** Placements for the Academic Year 2021-22: 154 - Capgemini - 08, CTS (Cognizent) - 24, TCS (NINJA) - 16, Accenture(ASE) - 15, Accenture(Advanced ASE) - 3, Infosys -12, Wipro - 40, Surya Tech Solutions - 6,Hexaware - 2, Wipro Turbo - 2,Virtusa - 4,Zensar Technologies - 3,KPIT - 4 ,Deloittee - 1,Navkone - 1,TEACHNOOK - 1,Turning minds.AI - 2,ZenQ - 1, Raj Groups - 5, ASA Bhanu Technical Services Ltd. -1,HCL Technologies - 2,National Payments Corporation of India - 1   


Our assets
Network Lab

This lab aims at familiarizing the students with the different theorems, laws, networks, circuits and to provide a clear concept with basic ideas related to electrical circuits RC, RL, LC, RLC. This lab also provides the platform for understanding the operation of DC and AC machines.

Electrical machines lab

This laboratory imparts the knowledge about characteristics and behaviour of DC and AC Machines

Power Systems Lab

This lab imparts knowledge about different types of relays, study of synchronous machines and transmission line simulator.

Electrical Measurements Lab

This lab aims at providing the basic concepts for measuring the different electrical parameters like resistance, capacitance, inductance, and unknown parameters to impart knowledge on the working of different types of measuring instruments.

Control Systems lab

This lab provides kits to study synchro transmitter receiver pair, P, PI, PID Controller, Lag, and Lead Compensator, PLC trainer kit etc.,

Power Electronics Lab

This lab is used to study the characteristics of power switching devices, converters and speed control of electrical machines. This lab also provides the facility to study characteristics of different electronic circuits.

Calibration lab

This lab provides kits like mixed signal oscilloscope, power quality and energy analyser, precession multimeter and different bridges to measure inductance and capacitance.

Micro Processor lab

This lab provides kits for programming using instructions of the 8086 processor and 8051 microcontroller along with interfacing.

Simulation lab

This lab provides different softwares like MATLAB, PS-PICE, PSCAD and Mi-power to analyze different applications.


P.V.P.Siddhartha Institute Of Technology

Kanuru,Vijayawada-520 007

Andhra Pradesh,India

Tel : 0866-2581699, 0866-2583037 , 0866-2585681,0866-2585682
